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Thread: Misc: Post, or Granaboard dies [!OT]

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner mrwiseman's Avatar
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    For the n-th time, we're seriously lacking activity. However, this time I don't have the time or the motivation to write for hours to bring it back with extra activity. So you better be posting or this site and community will die before Grandia 3, and I suppose you don't want that happening.

    Everybody: post more, be original and creative, talk about your life, ask questions, bump old topics, invite cool people to the board, etc. Then we'll all have stuff to post to and will be more active. Especially calling friends who are cool; that's how we got a lot of good Granaboarders.

    And perhaps the atmosphere here will get a little better if some of us stop assfucking each other.


    In another news, you can consider the Proto Omega site scrapped as I don't have the time to launch or maintain it. Pretty much the same for the website. Of course, I'm willing to cede the site and co-maintain Proto Omega with anybody who wants to be involved.

    If you know of somebody who wants to make/maintain a larger community, let him/her know of this place and Proto Omega. I don't have too much time to setup and maintain a large website, but I can take care of the hardest part of all of it (web development, server setup, etc); in fact that's part of my job. Consider things are usually the opposite; it's people with free time who would like to work in a large website but they can't because they lack knowledge or experience. I'm offering that, and would be glad to work with editors/moderators, people with simple HTML skills, people who can look for a decent host, etc. for Proto Omega.

    <font color="#345E81" size="1">[ August 21, 2005 03:23 PM: Message edited by: -Wiseman- ]</font>

  2. #2
    Inactive Member One Classy Bloke's Avatar
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    hmm... Granaboard dies once someone gets a 10000 posts.

    And maybe we could induce a 4chan invasion for an interesting death.

    <font color="#345E81" size="1">[ August 21, 2005 03:24 PM: Message edited by: One Classy Bloke ]</font>

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner mrwiseman's Avatar
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    IRT OCB: Huh?

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member Cataferal's Avatar
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    Ive recently decided to stop posting here for several reasons. Heres the lowdown:

    The truth is, while its cool posting here and improving my linguistic posture, it does get a little tiresome when nobody replies to posts ive spent a hours writing (be it news on future games, reviews, opinions...anything). To me, theres no difference between people reading and silently appreciation my posts, and people just plain ignoring them. I need responses to know what people think of what ive said, be it good or bad; otherwise i might as well just start a blog.

    Secondly, recently people here have been getting restless and grouchy, and as a result the posts have been forced and awkward. Even if the board dies in the process, i think we should all take a break to remedy this; ive recently been having more co-operative and interesting discussions at gamefaqs: something i could never have foreseen 2 years ago. We need to refresh our opinions and take the time to do other things, and when we're done, we can come back with something interesting to say, and can have some more fun times. I consider that if we're going to give this board the healthy rebirth its legacy deserves, it has to die first.

    Thirdly, and on an entirely more positive note, ive been playing Grandia III fanatically. This game is phenomenal, and is the first RPG since Kingdom Hearts (3 years ago) that ive thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to translations at gamefaqs, ive been able to play a japanese copy of the game through, and at 35 hours ive almost beaten it. While this game has indeed taken me away from this board temporarily, i believe in 1 years time this game will be the catalyst to bring this board back to life. And who knows? We could even opt for a Grandia III social board instead to mark this revolution.

    <font color="#345E81" size="1">[ August 21, 2005 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Cataferal ]</font>

  5. #5
    HB Forum Owner mrwiseman's Avatar
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    IRT Cata: You are one of the reasons why I want to keep this community alive.

    I am truly sorry for not replying to some of your posts. It doesn't mean I haven't read them; it's just that I've been very busy, and between posting oneliners or reading valuable new posts, I chose the later. I already said "Hmm, that sounds interesting, I'll write something about it in a couple of days" way too many times, and more often than not, I'm out of time and forget to do it. But I'll see if I can find time and review threads on the first page to reply to what I can.

    Incidentally, I kind of experienced that too. I remember trying to start something about philosophy, like our best threads of old, and only getting a couple "This shit again?" and "Well, if that's what you think...".

    As for the second paragraph; I've been feeling that too, but I can't really do much other than to avoid trouble, which in turn means less posts and cold posting. I'd like to know which approach would be better: to post anything and cut trouble short (by closing threads, etc.) or to avoid picky topics.

    Rebirth sounds good, but death sounds dangerous and that comes first. Who says when we are to revive and if we'll all be back? How will we manage to attract new members? Surely we can't do anything without at least a new website, and I don't have the time to do it. During these years I've been taking care of everything related to the site, finding boards, configuration, etc., but now I don't have the time to do all that alone; I need a trustworthy person to cede the site to, or somebody who can help me make a community website (mostly finding a host, writing some HTML, and being a revisor for items submitted once the site is ready). I'm willing to teach what's necessary to do this.

    If you have an idea about how could he handle death and rebirth I'd be more than happy to hear it. I'll try going online tomorrow to talk.

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member Hell Knight's Avatar
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    I'm sad to here these but nowadays I'm either not in the mood to post or nothing happened with me. From day to day same things. So till I don't have anything to say I won't post. That's all

  7. #7
    HB Forum Owner blahguy729's Avatar
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    Rebirth is a scary concept cuz as everyone's noting, people are stressed for time and are finding more and more things that need to be done or grab their attention easily. At this point I dont know about rebirth happening like right now, cuz if this went, right now, i don't think it'd come back. However, even if granaboard died, 3 years from now i know i'd still be looking for this because i'm very nostalgic about my gaming and have in the past gotten pretty depressed to see whole sites go down like 3 years ago and no attempt at a revive when i loved and still love discussing this game.

    New members won't be hard to attract with grandia 3 coming out i think. i think plenty of ppl will look into grandia 3 and accidentally hit the 2, lol. problem is grandia 2 was never THAT popular and didnt get like loads of advertisements (at least from most of the people i know out here). So long as a few granaboarders have each other added on msn, aim, and all those others, granaboard will be in the back of their mind.

    As for a person with time to help run the site, I'd love to volunteer, but i know like nothing of HTML and am trying to learn some things, however i wouldnt expect my help for like another half a year or so.

    IRT Cata: On ppl not posting even if reading. I find myself intimidated in some instances (doubt this happens for anyone else, but this is my excuse) and have not the slightest clue of responding without sounding like "look ma, sommin' shiny on the magic box". by this i dont mean dumb things down for me cuz i'm always striving to increase my vocababulary (purposely spelled wrong)but just wait a bit and i'll think of something stupid to say. my mind works slow.

    About hostility, i dont think there really is any. people debate, but people shouldnt take things to personally, as seems to have happened in some instances where a random person will jump in flaming about something. i think most important thing here is that people are saying things here to state their opinions not neccasarily absolute facts and if they do give a fact and u would like their source i'm sure you could be nice about it and they would gladly say [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Senior Hostboard Member Dreamer7000's Avatar
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    The case is exactly the same with me as with Pete. My life is boring. Damn boring. Nothing ever happens, I just do all the same stuff every day, thus I can't post anything new or interesting. Altho I'd like to.
    The page is my homepage, so as soon as I turn my modem on this forum pops up, and I browse through the topics, but I always realize there is nothing I could add cause nothing new has happenned, or I just don't know about the game/anime the chat has been about. I don't know what to do about this, the same old routine in my life just seems to be too nice to abandon for something new, to try out different things. Or I'm just too lazy.
    But I don't want to post nonsense either, which could be the only possibility to post something new. I'll try and make up a new posting technic to be able to tell new things. Cause now that I think about it, there are things happenning I don't even notice.
    Finally, I totally disagree with letting the board die for a "rebirth", that could lead to dangerous things. We can take back the activity if we really want to, till Grandia 3 comes out, and Bloom again.
    "Bloom", sounds familiar eh?

    IRT Cata: YOU ALREADY PLAYED G3??!! OMGOMG! You are too lucky =P I can't wait till next year to play it... if I can get the money to buy it that is. Hope the story will be as good as G2's was.

  9. #9
    HB Forum Owner mrwiseman's Avatar
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    IRT Blahguy: Well, I got to play Grandia 1 after Grandia 2, so maybe people will realize the jewel Grandia 2 was after Grandia 3. However, they'll need a Dreamcast to enjoy it to its fullest.

    Don't feel intimidated by long, amazing, well written posts; none of their posters was born doing that. You'll eventually write them too, without even noticing ^_^.

    IRT HK, Dreamer WRT boring lives: Don't worry, they'll get hectic with time... But if you want something to happen right now, make it happen! Go out and visit some of the nice things East Europe must have and let us know how was it, tell us about your culture, download unlicensed fansubbed anime, try new software, etc... Next time you see me online, IM me, and I'll drop a few ideas if I'm around ^_^.

  10. #10
    HB Forum Owner blahguy729's Avatar
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    Hi everybody! I'm glad to see that all this talk about death has slapped everyone to talking even if it seems a bit morbid for the site [img]tongue.gif[/img] . I'm having my own hectic things here cuz my gf is grounded and i just started school and i know someone in all my classes so i should survive but my gf doesnt go to school with me so i know i got plenty of craziness going on here, lol. And i'm glad it looks like the granaboard won't die cuz i've been coming to here as a visitor for so many years and just signed up this year and i think it would suck totally if it died [img]tongue.gif[/img] .

    IRT Wiseman: NO FAIR! my older bro and my searched so much for a saturn emu and we can't find anything and i wanna play grandia 1 just to see wat there first installment was like along with the fact i wanna check out a ton of games on saturn [img]tongue.gif[/img] .

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